Call through from Tottoli GSM
now on your subscribers can make calls using call through. It is available in
many European countries and other parts of the world. You can find full list on
our website: List of
For you, this means an increase of your profit, as with a call through you don’t need an MSRN for outgoing calls. And your subscriber will be happy to make calls as he used to do. Even the subscriber himself can switch on a call through.
For this your subscriber needs to dial #955 and “Call button” on his phone.
Attention! On some modern phones this request might not work. In such cases, your subscriber should enter SIM-menu (also can be called PROFILE) and change CALLBACK ON for CALLBACK OFF.
In your administrative panel in sections “Calls and SMS” and “Statistics” there is a new tab “Calls through”. There you can see detailed information about calls through made by your subscribers.